Community News: Education in Oakville is the Cream of Ontario's Crop

Goodale Miller Team


Almost every parent’s dilemma is finding the best neighbourhood to live in that has it all. We’re talking about awesome location, breathtaking parks, near great work and business opportunities, fantastic people, and fabulous amenities such as state-of-the-art hospitals and amazing schools. It isn’t surprising then that our list of the neighbourhoods with the most sought-after real estate happens to also be home to the top schools in our province.

The Province’s Top Secondary Schools

The Fraser Institute has been releasing their annual rankings of Ontario’s secondary and elementary public schools and Oakville schools have a long track record of being always in the cream of the crop. In fact, 3 of the top 20 secondary schools happens to be in our Town! That’s not even counting our secondary schools that made it in the top 50!
Oakville Trafalgar High School made it to top 8 in the recent listings, with Abbey Park Secondary School jumping from their lower ranking to top 10 in the most recent one. Not to be left behind is Iroquois Ridge Secondary School which has been consistent at top 16. This is not a small feat, considering that there was a total of nearly 700 secondary schools that are part of the ranking.
More good news is that all of Oakville’s secondary schools made it to the upper half of the provincial average, making the whole of Oakville a fail-proof Town if you’re looking for a great place for your secondary school age children.

The Province’s Top Elementary Schools

There are around 3,000 elementary schools in Ontario and of all of that, EJ James Middle School made it to top 24 (jumped a few places towards the top of the list!). Other notable Oakville elementary schools are:
  • Munns Public School at number 63 in the most recent list (averaged top 57 in the last 5 years)
  • St Matthew's School at top 100 in the most recent list (and at 98 for the last 5 years)
  • James W. Hill Public School at rank 113
  • Joshua Creek is at 162 (averaged in the last 5 years)
  • St Bernadette Separate School is at 98 (also averaged in the last 5 years)
  • St Marguerite D'Youville made it to 123 (averaged ranking in the last 5 years as well)
The majority of Oakville private and public schools are at the upper half of the provincial ranking.

Education Matters

The Fraser Institute Report Card offers information in the form of detailed tables showing how well schools have performed in academics over a certain number of years. An annual list is published based on the scores garnered from the Education Quality and Accountability exams (EQAO exams) in Grades 3,6, 9, and 10. The report card is meant to be an assessment tool for parents to help them decide which school would be best for their child (or which neighbourhoods have the best possible educational institutions for their child). It can also be a tool to help parents stay informed about the elementary or secondary school their child is attending.
Is it a coincidence that the Oakville neighbourhoods with the most sought-after real estate happen to be homes to Ontario’s best elementary and secondary schools? That’s for you to decide! Contact us if you’re interested in making Oakville your home.

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