Design Tips: Things to Declutter to Welcome the New Year

Goodale Miller Team


It always feels best to have your things sorted out before the New Year starts but with so little time during the holidays, how and where do you start? We’ve compiled the top problem areas of most homes to help you focus using your decluttering powers!

Gift Wrapping Nook

Your gift wrapping supplies helped you make each present be extra special but now that the New Year is just around the corner, you don’t need your paper, ribbons, and pens to be within easy reach anymore. Make sure to roll unused gift wrap so they can still be used at a later date. Collect tape and pens together where you can easily spot them when needed.

Holiday Décor

Decluttering is more than just putting away, it is also about letting go of things that no longer serve a purpose for you. If you have holiday decorations that didn’t get used this year, it is more than likely that you won’t be using them anytime soon so donating them might be a smart move. When you’re putting your holiday decorations away, check for broken ones and throw out those that can’t be fixed to save storage space.

Arts and Craft Corner

Most homeowners have accumulated quite a number of art and craft supplies. You can sort them out to throw empty containers, pens that no longer work, or just get rid of those that no longer serve a purpose. This way, you can rearrange and organize those that remain for a clutter-less New Year!

Kids’ Toys

Children outgrow their toys so fast so donating or giving some away at the end of the year is a good holiday practice to do with your children. Toys that have sentimental value may also be put away in storage so that they won’t get damaged and forgotten in the toy bin.

Cold Weather Clothes and Accessories

Winter is not yet over so you will still need your cold weather clothes and accessories. However, you do not need all of them. Those that you haven’t worn in the past winter or so will be better off donated now while they are still needed. You’ll get rid of clutter and spread holiday cheer. Win-win!

Bedding and Pillows

Chances are, you have some old beddings and pillows that are only taking up space in your closet. A homeless shelter or an animal shelter will really appreciate your old pillow and beddings.

Extra Pantry Supplies

Food banks usually take donations year-long. You may also know of a struggling family or perhaps a friend who would love whatever it is that you don’t need in your pantry. By doing so, you can have a better-looking organized pantry!

Books and Magazines

No matter how much you love and appreciate reading, there are still some material that you may not be very fond of. By decluttering them and giving them away to people who may appreciate them more, you’ll free up space to welcome more goods into the New Year!
Excited to have a clutter-free home this New Year or are you planning to move into a new Oakville home? Contact us and we’ll help you make that happen!

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