Real Estate Advice: Want an Increase in Your Home’s Value? Go for Energy Efficient Upgrades!

Goodale Miller Team


Having an energy efficient home will not only save you money while living in it but will also help you a lot should you decide to let go of your home. Energy efficient homes generate buzz among buyers because like you, they also want to save on bills on their future home. Because of this benefit, it is not surprising that an energy efficient home will net more in the market. So how do you go about starting to convert your home into a more energy efficient one? Where do you begin?

Assess How Much Energy Is Used By Your Home

A thorough energy audit or a quick energy assessment will let you know how much energy your home uses. By doing this, you will be in a better position to decide which upgrades to choose that will make the most sense with your budget and expectations. Note that an energy audit will usually include an energy rating. The energy rating is the number that tells you just how energy efficient your home is and how much better it will be if you go for the recommended upgrades.

How Much Is An Energy Edit

The cost of the audit will largely depend on who is providing the service and your location. Your utility provider may offer a discount or do it free of charge but do note that a full audit can run from $300 to $500 depending on the complexity. With this said, it will be best to only shell out this money if you are truly planning to use what data they can give you by going forward with the upgrades.

Choosing the Best Upgrades for Energy Efficiency

The best changes that can improve your energy use are those that do not cost too much but provide quick payoff. The expensive ones should be worth the investment or they would be a loss and not a win. Don’t forget too that financing options and possible tax credits are available for you if you decide on energy efficient improvements.

Common Energy Upgrades

Below is a list of common energy upgrades from the most affordable ones to the expensive ones. Use this list wisely!
Insulation – Do you know that the average attic insulation job and air seal is just a little over a thousand Canadian dollars and basically pays for itself by the time you may need to sell your home? That’s basically a free home improvement for you!
Appliances – Energy studies say that about 15% of a home’s energy usage is by appliances. By going for those with a good Energy Star rating, you can save up the cost of the appliance in a year or during the life of the machine. Good for your wallet and the environment too!
Heating and Cooling Systems – Do you know that your cooling and heating systems use almost half of your home’s energy consumption? That’s quite a bit of your energy bill! A definite incentive for upgrading your cooling and heating system is saving up to 30% of your current bill by replacing systems that are more than 12 years old. This is backed by science.
Windows – Windows can be very expensive to replace and may take years upon years for you to get back what you’ve spent. This upgrade could be worth looking into if you live somewhere with very cold climate as this can reduce your energy bill by about 15%.
All in all, going green could be worth the investment if you choose upgrades that work well where you are and the climate you live in. If you’re looking for quality-built homes in Ontario (with some being truly energy-efficient), then take a look at some of our listed homes in Oakville. Contact us to know more about a home you like!

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